TSESI Hands-On Cadaver Dissection Courses

We are pleased to announce the 22nd TSESI Endoscopic Ear, Temporal Bone and Cochlear Implant, 1st TSESI Sleep Surgery, 22nd Endoscopic Sinus and Advanced Frontal Sinus Surgery Courses  on 17 – 21 December 2024 at Mohammed Bin Rashid Academic Medical Center, Dubai

This one-of-a-kind courses will showcase the expertise and knowledge of world-renowned surgeons in the field of Endoscopic Ear, Temporal Bone and Cochlear implantation, Sleep surgery, Endoscopic Sinus and Advanced Frontal Sinus Surgeries. This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the surgical anatomy of Ear and Sinuses, different techniques & approaches in EES, FESS and Sleep Surgery.

The faculty will guide the participants from the consultation to the management of the most challenging cases. This course will be accomplished with didactic lectures, pre-recorded surgical videos, and hands-on cadaver dissection sessions.

Course Fees

Delegate Fees (Hands on Dissection): 20 Slots

Observer Fees: Unlimited Slots

22nd TSESI Endoscopic Ear, Temporal Bone and Cochlear Implant Cadaver Dissection Course          (17 & 18 December 2024)

Delegate Fee – 1,500 USD

Observer Fee – 500 USD

1st TSESI Sleep Surgery Cadaver Dissection Course (19 December 2024)

Delegate Fee – 1,000 USD

Observer Fee – 300 USD

22nd Endoscopic Sinus and Advanced Frontal Sinus Surgery Cadaver Dissection Course            (20 & 21 December 2024)

Delegate Fee – 2,250 USD

Observer Fee – 500 USD

1st Rhinoplasty and Facial-Plastic Cadaver Dissection Course (22 December 2024)

Delegate Fee – 1,500 USD

Observer Fee – 300 USD

All of the Above Courses (17 – 21 December 2024)

Observer Fee (package)- 1000 USD

Day 1: 22nd TSESI Endoscopic Ear, Temporal bone and Cochlear Implant surgery Cadaver Dissection Course

Course Director: Mondy Hammad
Dan Lee, Satish Jain, Muaaz Tarabichi, Mustafa Kapadia, Baher Ashour, Tamer Ebaid, Nazik Elfadil.
8:00 AM


8:10 AM
Welcome & Day 1 Course information – Mustafa Kapadia
8:15 AM

Disruption in Otology and Neurotology: Endoscopic Ear Surgery – Dan Lee

8:35 AM

Robotic Cochlear Implantation – Abel David

8:50 AM
Tips and Pearls in Cochlear Implant Surgery – Dan Lee
9:10 AM
Key Surgical steps for Cochlear Implant Surgery – Mondy Hammad
9:30 AM
Pediatric Endoscopic Ear Surgery – Dan Lee
9:50 AM
Coffee break
10:15 PM

Get into Dissection Lab

10:30 AM

Dissection demonstration: Endoscopic Ear Dissection, Eustachian Tube Dilation - Dan Lee

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Hands on dissection:

Endoscopic Ear Dissection, Eustachian Tube Dilation session for Batch 1

12:30 PM - 13:30 PM

Hands on dissection:

Endoscopic Ear Dissection, Eustachian Tube Dilation session for Batch 2

13:30 PM - 14:30 PM
Lunch break
14:30 PM
Dissection demonstration: Cortical Mastoidectomy, Posterior Tympanotomy and CI Electrode Insertion (Robotic/Exoscopic/ Microscopic) - Mondy Hammad/ Dan Lee
15:30 PM - 17:00 PM

Hands on dissection:

Cortical Mastoidectomy, Posterior Tympanotomy and CI Electrode Insertion for Batch 1

16:45 PM - 17:00 PM
Working Coffee Break
17:00 PM

Hands on dissection:

Cortical Mastoidectomy, Posterior Tympanotomy and CI Electrode Insertion for Batch 2

18:30 PM
End of the day.

Steps to be followed during Endoscopic dissection of the Middle Ear:

  • Initial evaluation of individual strengths and weaknesses during Endoscopic ear surgery
  • Surgical Installation for endoscopic ear dissection
  • Endoscopic inspection of the EAC, cleaning of the ear canal.
  • Outline the vascular strip.
  • Removal of canal skin along with the epithelial layer of TM.
  • Enlargement of the ear canal.
  • Elevation of the annulus up to 3 and 9 o’clock:
  • Separate the remnant of the TM from the malleus handle and umbo.
  • Take down the bony annulus posteriorly to gain full access to the facial recess and sinus tympani.
  • Take down any “inferior overhang” and enlarge the access to the inferior retrotympanum and hypotympanum, next inspect the hypotympanum.
  • Perform limited atticotomy with meticulous care.
  • Proceed with removing the whole scutum including the lateral incudo-mallear folds, and expose the whole incus along with the malleus head.
  • Mobilize the incus to expose the articular facet with malleus and stapes. Then, proceed with disarticulating the stapes and malleus from the incus.
  • Next, transect the neck of the malleus at a relatively superior level in order to preserve the anterior mallear ligament and the tensor tympani tendon.
  • Transect the tensor tympani tendon and remove the malleus handle.
  • Using a curette or a drill, if available, attempt to slowly remove the bony encasement of the facial nerve, starting with the horizontal segment and following the nerve proximally and distally into the first and second genus.

Day 2: 22nd TSESI Endoscopic Ear, Temporal bone and Cochlear Implant surgery Cadaver Dissection Course

Course Director: Mondy Hammad
Dan Lee, Satish Jain, Muaaz Tarabichi, Mustafa Kapadia, Baher Ashour, Tamer Ebaid, Nazik Elfadil.
08:00 AM

Welcome & Day 2 Course information – Mustafa Kapadia

08:05 AM

The Importance of Radiology and Safe Gateway for Ear Surgery – Satish Jain

09:30 AM

Exoscopic Ear surgery – Dan Lee

09:45 AM

Surgical Approaches to Petrous Apex Lesions – Mondy Hammad

10:00 AM
Coffee break
10:15 AM

Get into Dissection Lab

10:30 AM
Dissection demonstration: Mastoidectomy, Sub-total Petrosectomy, Facial Nerve Decompression, Cochlear Drill out and Cochlear anatomy, Labyrinthine anatomy, IAC anatomy, and extended Trans-Temporal approaches - Satish Jain
12:15 PM
Lunch break
13:00 PM
Hands on dissection: Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy/ Sub-Total Petrosectomy/ Facial Nerve Decompression for Batch 1
15:45 PM - 16:00 PM
Working Coffee break
16:00 PM

Hands on dissection: Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy/ Sub-Total Petrosectomy/ Facial Nerve Decompression for Batch 2

19:00 PM
Closing Remarks and Certificate Distribution.

Day 3: 1st TSESI Sleep Surgery Cadaver Dissection Course

Course Director: Peter Baptista
Manuele Casale, Vikas Agrawal.
07:30 AM
08:00 AM

Introduction – Peter Baptista

08:20 AM

Palatal Anatomy – Vikas Agrawal

08:40 AM

Management of Snoring – Manuele Casale

09:00 AM

Barbed Pharyngoplasty – Manuele Casale

09:20 AM

Suspension Bridge Pharyngoplasty, Z-Plasty Pharyngoplasty – Vikas Agrawal

09:40 AM

Expansion Pharyngoplasty, Lateral Pharyngoplasty – Peter Baptista

10:00 AM

Tongue Base Surgery – Peter Baptista

10:20 AM
Q & A
10:30 AM
Coffee break
11:00 AM

Get into Dissection Lab

11:15 AM

Dissection Demonstration and Hands - on Dissection Session:

1. Injection Snoreplasty

2. Barbed Pharyngoplasty
a) Alianza
b) Barbed Repositioning

3.Suspension Bridge Technique

4. Uvulopalatal Flap

13:30 – 14:30 PM
Lunch break
14:30 PM
Dissection Demonstration and Hands - on Dissection Session:

5. Expansion Sphincter Pharyngoplasty (Pang)

6. Lateral Pharyngoplasty

7. Lateral Pharyngoplasty -- Cahaly V6

8. Tongue Base Surgery with Mechan Plasma device

9. Radiofrequency of the Palate with Mechan Plasma device

17:30 PM

End of the day.

Day 4: Endoscopic Sinus & Advanced Frontal Cadaver Dissection Workshop

Course Director: Islam Herzallah
Shahzada Ahmed, Mohamed Albar, Saied Alhabash, Mustafa Kapadia, Nazik Elfadil.
7:30 AM


08:00 AM

Welcome & Day 1 Course information

8:10 AM

Instrumentation for Basic and Advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgery - Shahzada Ahmed

8:30 AM

Key Sinonasal Landmarks from endoscopic & radiologic perspective - Islam Herzallah

09:10 AM

Anterior Ethmoidectomy & Maxillary Antrostomy - Mohamed Albar

09:30 AM

Posterior Ethmoidectomy & Sphenoidotomy: Pearls and tricks - Islam Herzallah

09:50 AM

Extended sphenoidotomy, sphenoid landmarks and endoscopic approach to Sella turcica - Shahzada Ahmed

10:10 AM

Endoscopic identification and ligation of sphenopalatine artery - Islam Herzallah

10:30 AM
Coffee Break.
10:40 AM

Get into Dissection Lab

10:45 AM

Dissection demonstration Endoscopic transnasal approach to sphenoid sinus - Shahzada Ahmed

11:00 AM
Hands on dissection: Endoscopic transnasal approach to the sphenoid sinus
11:30 AM

Dissection demonstration: Endoscopic identification of sphenopalatine artery - Islam Herzallah

11:45 AM

Hands on dissection: Endoscopic identification & ligation of sphenopalatine artery

12:15 PM
Lunch Break.
13:10 PM

Dissection demonstration: Anterior Ethmoidectomy & Maxillary antrostomy - Mohamed Albar

13:30 PM
Hands on dissection: Anterior Ethmoidectomy & Maxillary antrostomy
14:30 PM

Dissection demonstration: Posterior Ethmoidectomy & transethmoidal approach to sphenoid sinus, extended sphenoidotomy & sphenoid landmarks - Shahzada Ahmed & Islam Herzallah

15:00 PM

Dissection demonstration: Endoscopic approach to Sella turcica Shahzada Ahmed

15:30 PM
Hands on dissection: Posterior Ethmoidectomy & transethmoidal approach to sphenoid sinus, extended sphenoidotomy & sphenoid landmarks + approach to Sella turcica
18:00 PM
End of the day

Day 5: Endoscopic Sinus & Advanced Frontal Cadaver Dissection Workshop

Course Director: Islam Herzallah
Shahzada Ahmed, Mohamed Albar, Saied Alhabash, Mustafa Kapadia, Nazik Elfadil.
08:10 AM

Day 2 Course information

8:20 AM

Understanding anatomy and variations of frontal recess and frontal sinus & endoscopic approaches (Draf types I & II) -- Islam Herzallah

8:50 AM

Draf Type III procedure: Inside-out technique -- Mohamed Albar

09:10 AM

Draf Type III procedure: Outside-in technique -- Shahzada Ahmed

09:30 AM

Endoscopic DCR - Islam Herzallah

09:50 AM

Endoscopic orbital and optic nerve decompression -- Mohamed Albar

10:10 AM

External Approaches to the Frontal Sinus - Shahzada Ahmed

10:30 AM
Coffee Break.
10:45 AM

Get into Dissection Lab

10:50 AM

Dissection demonstration Endoscopic clearance of skull base & endoscopic frontal sinus approaches (Draf types I & II) – Islam Herzallah & Shahzada Ahmed

11:15 AM

Hands on dissection: Endoscopic clearance of skull base endoscopic, frontal sinus approaches (Draf types I & II)

12:15 PM
Lunch Break.
13:15 PM

Dissection demonstration: Endoscopic Draf III Inside-out -- Mohamed Albar

13:45 PM
Dissection demonstration: Endoscopic Draf III outside-in – Shahzada Ahmed
14:15 PM
Hands on dissection: Endoscopic Draf III inside-out
14:45 PM
Hands on dissection: Endoscopic Draf III Outside-in
15:15 PM

Dissection demonstration: Endoscopic DCR - Islam Herzallah

15:30 PM

Dissection demonstration: Endoscopic Orbital Decompression - Shahzada Ahmed

15:45 PM
Hands on dissection: Endoscopic DCR & Endoscopic Orbital Decompression
16:30 PM

Dissection demonstration: External Approaches to the Frontal sinus - Shahzada Ahmed

17:00 PM
Hands on dissection: External Approaches to the Frontal sinus
18:00 PM
End of the day.