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Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery


Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is used to treat chronic sinusitis and other conditions that affect the sinuses. The surgery is performed using an endoscope, a thin, lighted tube with a camera attached, to visualize the sinus passages. The surgeon removes any blockages, such as polyps or inflamed tissue, and reshapes the sinus passages to improve drainage and ventilation. 

FESS is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes 1-2 hours to complete. The procedure can help to relieve symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches, facial pain, and difficulty breathing. It is often performed in  

conjunction with other treatments, such as medication, to help manage chronic sinusitis. 


The following are the common indications for FESS: 

  • Chronic sinusitis: FESS can be used to treat chronic sinusitis, a condition in which the sinuses become inflamed and swollen, leading to nasal congestion, headaches, and facial pain. 
  • Polyps: FESS can be used to remove nasal polyps, small, noncancerous growths that can block the sinus passages and cause symptoms such as nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. 
  • Nasal obstruction: FESS can be used to relieve nasal obstruction caused by conditions such as nasal tumors, or nasal valve collapse. 
  •  Recurrent infections: FESS can be used to treat recurrent sinus infections, which can be a sign of underlying sinusitis or other sinus conditions. 


General guidelines for recovering from Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS): 

  • Rest: Following the surgery, it is important to rest and avoid strenuous activities, such as heavy lifting or exercise, to allow the body to heal. 
  •  Pain management: Pain medication can be used to manage discomfort following the surgery. 
  •  Nasal irrigation: Irrigating the nose with a saline solution can help to keep the nasal passages clean and reduce the risk of infection. 
  •  Gently blowing your nose: Gently blowing your nose will keep it clean and open.  
  •  Follow the surgeon's instructions: It is important to follow all of the surgeon's instructions for post-operative care, including when to return for follow-up visits and when to start resuming normal activities. 
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking: Alcohol and smoking can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications following the surgery, so it is important to avoid these substances. 
  •  Avoid irritants: Avoid exposing yourself to irritants, such as dust, smoke, or strong odors, that can irritate the nasal passages and worsen symptoms. 
  •  It is important to keep in mind that recovery from FESS can take several weeks, and everyone's experience will be different. If you have concerns or questions about your recovery, it is important to talk to your surgeon. 
  • It is important to follow all of the surgeon's instructions and to report any concerning symptoms, such as increased pain, bleeding, or infection, promptly to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. 


  • Is FESS a painful procedure? 

FESS is typically performed under general anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during the procedure. Mild to moderate pain and swelling around the nose and sinus area is common after the surgery, but this can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications and ice packs. 

  • How long does the recovery process take after FESS? 

The recovery process after FESS can take several weeks, and everyone's experience is different. During the recovery phase, it is important to rest and avoid strenuous activities, and to follow all of the surgeon's instructions for post-operative care. 

  • Can FESS cure chronic sinusitis? 

FESS can significantly improve symptoms of chronic sinusitis, but it is not always a cure. Some people may experience a recurrence of symptoms, or the development of new symptoms, after the surgery, and additional treatment may be needed. 

  • Are there any risks associated with FESS? 

Like all surgical procedures, FESS carries some risks, including bleeding, infection, and an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Your surgeon will discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with you and help you to make an informed decision. 

  • What is the success rate of FESS? 

The success rate of FESS is high, and many people experience significant improvement in their symptoms after the surgery. The exact success rate will depend on various factors, including the underlying cause of the symptoms and the individual patient's overall health. 

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