Rhinoplasty: Your Path to Facial Harmony
A well-crafted nose can be the crowning jewel of a face. When it’s too broad, excessively curved, or out of proportion, it can overshadow an otherwise attractive appearance. Beauty is a symphony of balance and symmetry, and rhinoplasty is the maestro that orchestrates the harmony between your nose and face.
The art of rhinoplasty is as unique as the individuals it serves. Among myriad possibilities, only one form will fulfil your dream. The surgeon must envision your nose as you do, understand your concerns, and adapt it accordingly. More than aesthetics, it’s about functionality too. Dr. Levente, with over two decades of experience, artfully addresses both these aspects for your nose, all at once.
Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, requires a keen eye to match the nose you envision. In addition to shaping your aesthetic dream, the function of your nose is vital and is always assessed and enhanced if necessary. Dr. Levente seamlessly marries form and function in each procedure.
Choosing the Perfect Technique
To achieve your dream outcome, a variety of gentle techniques exist. Based on your unique facial requirements, the best one will predictably shape and provide lasting results. Explore Dr. Levente’s craft on our social media platforms.
Rhinoplasty methods we offer include:
Closed vs Open Rhinoplasty
Open or Closed: Techniques Tailored to You
Rhinoplasty can be performed using either an open or closed technique, depending on the nature of your case. The difference between these two is marginal, with a barely visible half-centimeter cut on the nose base in the open method. While the open approach may involve slightly longer swelling, its results are more predictable.
For minor tip refinement or a smooth hump reduction, the closed technique is favored. However, for prominent deformations, asymmetry, or revision rhinoplasty, the open technique ensures superior long-term results.
If you feel your nose lacks harmony with your face, rhinoplasty could be your golden ticket to facial balance.
Dorsal preservation
Choosing the Perfect Technique-Functional or Structural Rhinoplasty
To achieve your dream outcome, a variety of gentle techniques exist. Based on your unique facial requirements, the best one will predictably shape and provide lasting results. Explore Dr. Levente’s craft on our social media platforms.
Teo strut vs Septum extension graft
Every nose is a complex interplay of cartilage, ligament, and skin, shaping its beautiful form. However, one common concern post-rhinoplasty is tip elevation dropping. The Teo Strut offers a lasting solution to this problem, providing stable long-term tip elevation, with relative tip mobility. When the septum is short, we prefer the use of a septum extension graft which yields a slightly more rigid tip configuration.